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Your tricks

Our section advices provides you an exhaustive list of tricks that help you to sleep well. However, we know that everyone has its own method to fall asleep without difficulty. If you want to help the I Will Sleep Well community, you can write your tips via the contact form.

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The tricks of the other I Will Sleep Well users


by Edward

Edward wanted to introduce to the I Will Sleep Well community the ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response), which knows some success, particularly among people with sleep disorders.

The ASMR is a perceptual phenomenon characterized as a distinct, pleasurable tingling sensation in the head, scalp, back, or peripheral regions of the body in response to visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, or cognitive stimuli.

By searching on the internet you will find videos of people who film themselves, trying to make you reach this "brain nirvana". Not Everybody is sensitive to the ASMR, but these videos are very popular and people mention that this method reduces stress and improves sleep. Test yourself and maybe ASMR will relax you.

The Yoga Nidra

by Anne-Marie

Anne-Marie have sleep disorders. She refuses to use sleeping pills but she practices Yoga Nidra (a derivative of yoga to facilitate sleep). This technique consists of breathing exercises. For more information you can visit this page: Yoga Nidra.

The regularity of the bedtimes

by Densha

The trick of Densha to be fit the day is to wake up and go to bed still the same hours. The weekend you can sleep one or two hours more to make up a possible cumulative tiredness.

Les cycles de sommeil

I Will Sleep Well is a web application that helps you to choose when you should go to bed or when you should wake up to have an optimal and restorative sleep. Sleep is an essential element for your health and can influence many factors in your life. The bad mood is the most notable factor that appears when you had a bad sleep. Lack of sleep also affects attention, concentration but also health risks like diabetes and obesity.

Thus, it is important to have a good sleep to simply live better. Did you know that the night of a person consists of several sleep cycles?

But what is a sleep cycle?

When we fall asleep, our brain slows down, everything becomes calm and then we go into a light sleep. A little bit after, sleep becomes deeper to a phase called "deep sleep", it is at this moment that your sleep is the most beneficial. Then we move into REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep conducive to all kinds of dreams to finally end the cycle with the intermediate phase. Following the end of a cycle, a new cycle can start or we can just wake up. An entire cycle last on average 90 min.

Our website allows you to accurately calculate the time when you should wake up (or the time to go to bed), to wake up at the end of a sleep cycle to be fit and in a good mood.

Unknowingly, we can program our awakening in the middle of a deep sleep, and you can be sure you will wake up in a bad mood, with I Will Sleep Well you can not do it wrong.
So feel free to come to our page to easily calculate your sleep cycles and share this useful tip to your friends!

Android Application

To receive a personalized program and know your own sleep-term needs:

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For a gentle awakening, try the Philips Wake-up Light HF3510:

Alarm Clock 1

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