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5 habits or things to be avoided while sleeping

Working after hours

With the current economic status and rise in the cost of living, many people today consider working extra hours so as to meet their needs. Well, this is not a bad idea, but people have taken it to another level that I would consider dangerous. On many occasions, I have said clearly that overworking does not mean you are busy. Again, it does not mean you will have a financial advantage. With proper management and organization, you can manage to take care of your important official duties and tasks and avoid carrying your work to the house or even working late into the night. Overworking has in the past been linked to feelings of fear and anger that are a result of energy shoot ups. These feelings take away sleep and make it impossible to catch sleep after they have occurred. Experts, therefore, advise that it is good to deal with important topics early in the day to ensure that you are relaxed towards the end.

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To receive a personalized program and know your own sleep-term needs:

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For a gentle awakening, try the Philips Wake-up Light HF3510:

Alarm Clock 1

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